Dr. James Mahshie is a Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University. His expertise lies in the areas of deafness, aerodynamic studies of voice and speech production, and acoustic analysis of speech. Dr. Mahshie has had a number of funded projects aimed at examining the speech production and perception skills of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. His current work is focusing on addressing hearing healthcare inequities in children with hearing loss. Among the aims of his previous research are:
- Improved understanding of the physiological underpinnings of speech production by those with hearing loss,
- Development and assessment of various computer-mediated approaches to improving speech production by deaf individuals,
- Study of the relation between perceptual capacity for certain speech features and the ability to use these features in speech production, and
- Exploration of factors contributing to speech sound production deficits in children with cochlear implants.
Funded Grants
- Mahshie, J., & Cole, K. (2019). University Seminar proposal for interdisciplinary speaker series on Translational Research in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences.
- Mahshie, J. (2019). CCFF proposal.
- Mahshie, J. (2018). Research Proposal to the Confucius Institute, 2018.
- Mahshie, J. (2018). Summer Scholarly travel to Como, Italy, to present paper. June, 2018.
- Mahshie, J. (2017). Summer Scholarly travel to Stockhlom, Sweden, to present paper. August, 2017.
- Mahshie, J. Implementation of Research and Academic Exchanges and Interactions between GWU and multiple Universities/Hospitals in China.
- Mahshie, J. , & Brundage, S. (2016). Expanding Research and Academic Exchanges and Interactions with China. Funded by GW Confucius Institute.
- Choi, S., & Mahshie, J. (2015). Effects of cognitive factors on phoneme categorization in children with cochlear implants. Submitted and funded by CCFF.
- Brundage, S., Mahshie J., & Bamdad, M. (2014) Research Collaborations and Clinical Exchanges in Speech Pathology in China. Proposal submitted to the Confucius Institute, George Washington University.
- Mahshie, J. , & Comer, K. (2014). International Collaboration in Communication Disorders. Submitted to the Confucius Institute, George Washington University Award amount: $8520.
- Mahshie, J. (2012). Speech and Voice Quality Characteristics of Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants. Submitted to CCFF.
- Mahshie, J. (2012). Prosody and Voice Characteristics of Children with Cochlear Implants. NIDRR, 2012-2015.
- Co-Director and Co-PI (with Cynthia Core) – Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Hearing Enhancement: Perception and Production of Speech by Children with Cochlear Implants. NIDRR. #H133E080006. October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2013.
Blaiser, K. M. & Mahshie, J. (2022). Comfort Levels of Providers Serving Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Discrepancies and Opportunities. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 7(5), 1432–1448. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_PERSP-22-00030
Mahshie, J. J., & Larsen, M. D. (2021). Contrastive stress production by children with cochlear implants: Accuracy and acoustic characteristics. JASA Express Letters, 1(11), 115201. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0007057
Paul, R., Simmons, E., & Mahshie, J. (2020). Prosody in children with atypical development. In Gussenhoven, C., & Chen, A.(eds.), London: Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody.
Gu, W., Yin, J., & Mahshie, J. (2017). Production of Sustained Vowels and Categorical Perception of Tones in Mandarin among Cochlear-Implanted Children. Proceedings of Interspeech,Stockholm, Sweden August, 2017.
Gu, W., Yin, J., & Mahshie, J. (2016) Categorical Perception in Two Pairs of Mandarin Tones among Bimodal Cochlear Implanted Children. Proceedings of the ISCSLP Conference, October 17-20, Tiajin, China.
Mahshie, J., Core, C., & Choi, S. (2015). A Longitudinal Study of Speech Feature Contrast Production in Children with Cochlear Implants. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Science, Glasgow, Scotland : August 10-14, 2015.
Lilly, J., Mahshie, J., & Bunnell, T. (2014). Automatic Speech Feature Classification for Children with Cochlear Implants. Proceedings of Interspeech Singapore, September 14-18, 2014.
Mahshie, J., Core, C., & Larsen, M. (2015). Auditory Perception and Production of Speech Feature Contrasts by Pediatric Implant Users. Ear & Hearing, 36(6):653-663, November/December 2015. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000181
Core, C., , Larsen, M., Wilson, J.*& Mahshie, J. (2014). Assessing Speech Perception in Young Children with Cochlear Implants Using a Hybrid Visual Habituation Paradigm. Ear & Hearing, 07/2014; DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000049
Gobl, C., & Mahshie, J. (2013). Inverse Filtering of Nasalized Vowels Using Synthesized Speech. Journal of Voice, Vol. 27, Issue 2, Pages 155-169.
Mahshie, J., Core, C., & Rutkowski, R. (2011). Auditory and Visual Contributions to Speech Feature Production in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants. Proceedings of the International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, August 2011.
Mahshie, J., & Meyers, Dianne. (2006). Special Topic – The outcome of a facilitated meeting on accreditation. Invited paper for the Annual Conference of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Sandestin, FL, April 2006.
Recent Presentations
Mahshie, J. (2022). Perceptual factors influencing the speech production of children with cochlear implants. Paper presented at the Hearing Across the Lifespan conference, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italy, June 16-18, 2022.
Mahshie, J., & Larsen, M. (2021) Focus Production by Children with Cochlear Implants and Age-Matched Children who are Typically Hearing. Paper presented at ASHA Convention, Washington, DC, November 18-20, 2021.
Mahshie, J., & Core, C. (2019). Factors predictive of Consonant Production Accuracy in Children with Cochlear Implants. Poster presented at ASHA, Orlando Florida.
Mahshie, J. (2019). Perception of prosodic phrase boundaries by children with cochlear implants and hearing children. Paper presented at the Alliance for Cochlear Implants conference, Hollywood Beach, FL, July 10-13,2019.
Mahshie, J. (2019). The importance of Parent-Centered Early Intervention for Children with Hearing Loss. Invited presentation for at China’s Rehabilitation and Research Center, Beijing, May 7, 2019.
Mahshie, J. & Bamdad, M. (2019).Speech Language Pathology in the US. Invited paper at the Shanghai Everbetter Pubin Children’s Hospital, Shanghai, China, May 10, 2019.
Mahshie, J. (2019). Speech Language Pathology in the US and China. Invited presentation for GW’s East Asian Languages and Literatures Seminar series, March 1, 2019.
*Ciemnieki, L., & Mahshie, J. (2018). Comparison of Consonant Production by Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Children. ASHA Annual Convention, Nov. 15-17, Boston, MA.
Professional Activities
- Past Coordinator, ASHA SIG 9 – Childhood Hearing and Hearing Loss
- Chair, ad hoc committee to develop ASHA position on American Sign Language
- Ad hoc joint committee (ASHA, AAA, CAPCSD) to promote a single accrediting body for Audiology academic programs: Member
- JSLHR, JASA: Regular reviewer
- Audiology Summit Planning Committee: Member
- Phonetics Department at Trinity College, Dublin: External program reviewer
- Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders: President
- Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Executive Board Member
- 2004 American Speech-Language Hearing Association Program Committee: Member
- American Association of Phonetic Science: President and member, 2001-2004
- Fulbright Distinguished Scholar, recipient
- CAPCSD Distinguished Service Award, recipient
- Fulbright Recipient, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Elected Fellow, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Distinguished Service Award, CAPCSD
- Fulbright Senior Specialist (Qualified for the list)
Classes Taught
- SLHS 3109: Aural Rehabilitation/Auditory Learning
- SLHS 6205: Clinical and Professional Issues in Speech Language Pathology
- SLHS 2107: Acoustics
- SLHS 6290: Cochlear Implants
- SLHS 2105: Anatomy and Physiology